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Using Couchdrop as a government agency

Include thousands of users with granular access controls

Couchdrop simplifies this process by providing granular access controls at a user level. Users can be set to a specific root directory, given read and/or write privileges, restricted to particular transfer protocols, and allowed specific features like the ability to use Shared Links.

With Couchdrop, there is also the option to set these permissions at a Group level so that the permissions don’t have to be set for each related user. Simply configure a Group such as “Accounting” and set the permissions for that Group, and you can then select to add a user to the Group during account creation.

Have full control over users and set allowed services, features, and folder access quickly and easily with Couchdrop.

No data stored at rest

Reporting and access logs

SOC2 compliant

Connects with legacy systems

Why choose Couchdrop?

Couchdrop is a secure, scalable and modern SFTP and file transfer platform built for streamlined setup.
It's an SFTP server that just works.

SFTP server as SaaS

Couchdrop is a Cloud SFTP server that connects to your existing storage. Instantly deploy SFTP on top of Google Drive, Box, SharePoint and other cloud storage platforms.

Data privacy and security

Couchdrop never stores your data and meets HIPAA and SOC2 standards. All updates and maintenance is handled for you by professional technicians.

Dedicated support

Couchdrop has a dedicated support team of technicians who are experts in the product. Get fast, dedicated, and personalized support by contacting our support team at any time.

G2 Medal Best Support Fall 2023 G2 Medal High Performer Fall 2023 G2 Medal Easiest to do business with Fall 2023


“Outstanding SFTP/MFT solution that integrates with your own cloud storage provider!”

Marcus – G2 Review


Built to strict security standards

All Couchdrop transfers are encrypted and meet strict security standards to keep your data secure. Your data is never stored either at rest* or in transit, giving you full control.

SOC2 and HIPAA compliant

Encrypted file transfers

Granular access controls

SSO support

Detailed reporting and alerting

Security & privacy →

*Data is stored at rest when choosing Couchdrop’s Hosted Storage option.

Integration with legacy systems

Working with older systems can be a challenge, especially when trying to integrate them with newer technology. Couchdrop can help with the Windows and OSX agent. The agent connects to your file server and NAS appliances to transfer files to and from those devices to your other integrated storage.

This feature can be particularly useful in government due to the number of purpose-built systems in use. As long as those systems are run on Windows or OSX, the agent can pull any generated files and push them to cloud storage.

When combined with secure automated file transfers, Couchdrop can significantly cut down time spent manually moving files while also reducing mistakes and resource use. Automating transfers from legacy systems can greatly increase efficiency and ensure files are where they need to be when they need to be there.

Comprehensive auditing and reporting

Couchdrop includes a robust reporting system ideal for audits and compliance. Reports keep detailed records of everything that happens within the account such as file transfers, login events, filesystem operations, and much more.

Reports offer specific events for each category, and each event can be drilled down further to see what user initiated the event at what time, and the IP Address used for the event trigger. Events can be narrowed down to specific timeframes as well using the filter, so it’s simple to find specific events should the need arise.

Case Study: Inzata

“A catch all for 100% of the things we need to use SFTPs for.”

Inzata is a data analytics platform, and its customers submit data in all sorts of different formats – Excel files, CSVs… the works. They had a way of receiving flat files for data pipelines through FileZilla, but non-tech minded customers couldn’t use it easily and it was labour intensive.

Learn more about Couchdrop Managed File Transfer and SFTP

Cloud SFTP


Secure Inboxes

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