While SFTP is still the reigning king of secure file transfer protocols (no pun intended) the restful protocol designed by Amazon Web Services S3 is chomping at the bit.


AWS S3 is by far the most dominant block storage platform and most storage providers have adopted the protocol used by AWS. S3 is widely supported by storage vendors such as Wasabi, Backblaze B2, Purestorage, and other market leaders, it is widely supported by client software and has a comprehensive ecosystem of opensource SDKs.

S3 Connectivity Support for Couchdrop

Just think: S3 to Dropbox and Sharepoint

Couchdrop has always had full support for integrating with AWS S3 and S3 compatible storage providers, but we have now released (in beta) support for connecting to Couchdrop via the S3 protocol.

While a bit mind bending at first, this effectively means you can transfer files in and out of Couchdrop using any client software that supports the S3 protocol in the same fashion as you do with SFTP and FTP.

For Couchdrop customers, this feature adds another connectivity option to the “swiss army knife” for automate file transfers. Couple that with Couchdrop Automate and you can replicate, transfer and organise files ingested from clients over the S3 protocol in any underlying storage engine.

Connecting to S3 with Couchdrop is easy

Connecting via Boto3 — The defacto SDK for Python, its as :

#> s3 = boto3.client(‘s3’,endpoint_url=’https://s3.couchdrop.io', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key)

#> s3.put_object(Body=file_path, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name)

All standard clients are supported.