Couchdrop Blog

SFTP To Go vs. Couchdrop

Written by Jayden Bartram | May 23, 2024 3:38:16 AM

This article is part of the Compare series, where we put Couchdrop head-to-head against other SFTP/MFT platforms to help you decide which solution is best for your needs.

At Couchdrop - we love a good competitor, it means we are doing something right. We would like to welcome SFTP to Go into the mix and lets be honest, with a name like that, they deserve a mention. 




Claiming to be “the ultimate file sharing solution”, SFTP To Go can’t decide if they want to compete with the likes of Dropbox or be a cloud SFTP server. And while both are passable, they’re quite basic; cloud storage has the essentials like sharing and permissions, and setting up the SFTP server is simple compared to most options. But missing some more advanced functionality means that there’s a lot you can’t do, especially on the SFTP side, which makes Couchdrop the better choice in most cases. 

SFTP to Go Features

SFTP To Go has all of the standard features you’d expect, like SFTP and FTPS access. They have a few extra features on top of that like Static IPs, custom branding (in some form), unlimited admin accounts, and chat support in all plans. Higher plans add features like more connections, inbound network rules, versioning, and dedicated instances. 


One major feature they’re missing though is automations. While they have support for webhooks, you can’t build automations in the platform without them, meaning you’re on your own for setting up automated file transfers. Another is that integrations with storage platforms are limited. You can connect with some cloud storage platforms, but it requires having a Multcloud account and connecting via the FTP integration in Multcloud. This makes sending files between your storage platforms a lot more difficult than when functionality is built in. 


SFTP to Go Pricing

With six different plans, it’s not always straightforward to find out which one is right for you. The Mini plan is the least expensive, where you get 20GB of storage (total) with 15 user credentials. At the other end, $1000 a month gives access to features like white labeling, unlimited connections, 800 user credentials, and premium support. 


Choose your plan many options

If you can figure out which plan gives you everything you actually need, you then have to choose between monthly or yearly billing. Yearly is cheaper of course, but then you’re locked in. Yearly billing gives 2 months free, a little over 15% off the standard rate. 


While SFTP To Go does have a free trial, it requires a credit card that will be automatically charged if you don’t cancel. The free trial is also available when choosing Yearly billing, meaning you can get hit with a huge unexpected charge if you forget to cancel and chose the Yearly option. 

Cloud Storage

Competing against the likes of Dropbox and Google Workspace means SFTP To Go is battling some big players. How they differentiate themselves is by emphasizing file sharing with devices that need to connect with SFTP or FTP. For the storage itself, SFTP To Go uses Amazon S3 as the storage layer. This means they store your data, which puts it at higher risk. 

On the cloud storage front, SFTP To Go has what you’d expect like granular file-sharing permissions and rules that can be put on specific folders.  The web portal lets users browse files without an FTP or SFTP client, and view and download directly from the interface. 

A specialty of SFTP To Go is integration with Heroku, so it’s easy to add SFTP/FTP access and cloud storage to Heroku applications. So in this case the cloud storage is great, but lags behind bigger players for typical users. 


SFTP Server Setup

SFTP To Go mentions one-click setup, but that isn’t exactly true. First, you have to pick your plan. You’ll also need to include your name, an email, and password (don’t forget your credit card), and choose your region. Then when you click to Create your account, you have your SFTP server – with a pre-made domain.

If you want to change the domain, you’ll have to customize that once you sign in. Once you do that, the SFTP server is good to go, which is several more clicks than claimed. 

SFTP To Go versus Couchdrop

Couchdrop doesn’t bother trying to be a cloud storage provider, instead taking the opposite route. You bring your own storage, and Couchdrop helps connect them. Transfer files from a Dropbox to Google Workspace. An on-prem file server to a SharePoint site. Whatever you need, with dozens of storage platforms supported, as well as remote FTP and SFTP servers. 


This means security is unmatched, and you have full control of your data. Couchdrop won’t accidentally have a copy of your important files because they’re never stored with us in the first place. Couchdrop is designed for secure and reliable backend file transfers, and in most cases users sign up, create automations for transfers between their storage that need to be done regularly, test that it works, and don’t touch it again, letting Couchdrop work in the background. 


Couchdrop Pricing

Having half a dozen pricing plans is confusing, so Couchdrop stripped everything down to one plan that includes 5 users, automations, and/or Inboxes and all the features for $119.99 per month. You can then add additional of any of these for $9.99 a month. HIPAA and Enterprise options are available for required BAA’s, additional security, and a high volume of users. 

Couchdrop believes in simple scalable pricing that is easy to understand

The simplest cloud SFTP server setup

Setting up an SFTP server used to be so complicated, and even the most advanced users had to go through a fistful of steps just to get started. Couchdrop changed that with the most straightforward SFTP server setup around. 

All you have to do is set up an account. You’ll be asked for a custom domain, a few details for user setup and authentication, and that’s it. Your SFTP server will be set up immediately with your custom domain (this part is one click), using the details you used at sign up to create an admin user. Simple, straightforward, and takes less than a minute. 

Everything you need for backend file transfer

When it comes to features, Couchdrop has all the essentials and plenty of bonuses to help make your transfers easy. The powerful built-in automation suite lets you encrypt, move, delete, and more, with support for multi-step automations that let you tackle complex workflows.

Financial data, HIPAA files, proprietary secrets, Couchdrop puts security first so your most important and sensitive files stay secure. End-to-end encryption means your files are never at risk, and your data is stored in your own storage platforms so you have full control and access. 

If you don’t have a suitable storage platform, you can use Couchdrop hosted storage, in which case your files are stored. This works if you need a place to store files for someone else to access them and aren’t already using a cloud storage solution, although we recommend bringing your own storage if possible for maximum control. 

Try Couchdrop for free with no credit card

Our goal at Couchdrop is to make SFTP simple, and we want you to try it for yourself to see just how easy it is. So we made the free trial easy too. Every user gets 14 days free at sign up, with no credit card required. No sales call or required business email either. Just sign up and go. 


There’s an easier way to get a functional SFTP server. Let Couchdrop do the hard work for you and sign up for your trial now